On February 1, Lily was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. She had been drinking excessively and slowly losing weight. I scheduled an appointment with her pediatrician before we got to any danger zones, but a four day hospital stay was still required to bring her blood sugar levels down and to educate Bryan and I on how to care for her at home. Bryan and I had no idea this was a possibility for her as we did not know the symptoms for diabetes and there is no one on either side of our families with type 1. She is doing much much better now, looking and acting more like our little Lily again. She was even still able to have her Princess Birthday Cake when she turned four this week! So now through proper daily insulin treatments and carbohydrate counting, we will be able to keep her well. But as several have asked, she will never outgrow this disease, but she will grow more and more used to managing the disease. Right now we are required a minimum of four "checks" and three "pointies" each day, but as she gets older, insulin pumps and other devices may make it even simpler for her. Bryan and I are just so thankful that we live in a day and age when this health condition can be minimized with proper medical care. And Lily has been a trooper throughout everything.
I will not pretend like the last few weeks have been easy. Bryan and I have felt shock, fear, tears, and a new form of exhaustion all at once, but we are still doing OKAY. It just takes awhile to absorb all the changes and to feel confident that you won't ever let your daughter get into any danger zones. God has answered most of our questions best by simply reminding us that it is better for Lily and Owen to have us as parents than another couple who might be unable or unwilling to give their kids proper care. I am a very protective mother anyway, so now I tell myself I have medical excuses. I have realized since losing Mom that the 32 years I had with her were far greater than most daughters get in a lifetime. And now, even though I wish neither of my kids had this to deal with, I feel more than ever that they are the most precious two kids God could have ever given Bryan and me.
We honestly look forward to some days ahead when our family won't have to report so much on how we are doing. We feel our family and friends should have stock in Hallmark by now after all the cards we have received. We thank you so much for caring about us. And many of you have expressed praying for us before you even knew the details of what was happening with Lily-those were deeply felt and kept us going.
Trusting in Him like never before,
Bryan & LeAnn
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