Monday, December 31, 2007

End of 2007

I won't try to summarize this past year. LeAnn lost her mother at the end of July, and our family is different now. God is still God and still good. The rest of us are healthy and blessed, and we have a new baby in our house who likes to sleep more than his sister did. I enjoy my job more than I ever have. But our circle is not unbroken, and it won't ever be whole here. I was talking to Bradley this past week about how I have come to see and feel that this place is simply not truly real. It is here and now and still good, but things are not the way they are supposed to be. Everything won't be set right until we are with the people we are supposed to be with, and He will wipe every tear from our eye.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Grandad and Uncle Bradley left earlier this afternoon. LeAnn and the kids took a nap, and I rewatched "Batman Begins." Lily has had a great Christmas, and Owen did pretty well overall. Grandma and Papa are coming in tomorrow, so Lily's Christmas isn't over yet.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What Bryan left out about his week

What Bryan would never think to post about his week is that his bosses told him on Monday that he has been promoted to an associate at Calloway, Johnson, Moore, and West Archtitects. A wonderful step that my husband should be very proud of achieving in just a year at this office, but he barely remembered to tell even me. Typical humble Bryan, but his wife can brag on him, right? I think he would rather I only post a picture of his Tuesday night date, but I can do both.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What a week

It can't be only Wednesday. I have been scrambling around a lot this week, trying to get several projects moved out of the office before the end of the year. Alan and I were at Lake Junaluska for a master planning project on Monday and in Greenville SC for the French Broad Place project yesterday.

Lily and I went to our office Christmas party last night. We didn't get our food until around 8:15 and didn't get home until around 10:30. Of course, she was bright eyed and ready for more and I was dragging. LeAnn will probably post pictures later.

Friday, December 14, 2007

New Water Filter

Brad of Ecowater installed the new filter yesterday. It is set to flush itself for 10 seconds every 4 hours right now; I am monitoring the pressure and will adjust the frequency and duration accordingly. The water looks and taste great, and we have good pressure, at least through our first night with it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Grandad Arrives

Grandad will be arriving today, so Lily should have fun. He is just coming in for a quick visit (leaving tomorrow) before the full Christmas season gears up.

I finished up the mounting panel and electrical outlet for our new filter last night. We are getting Ecowater systems to install a UFL-440 from Antunes tomorrow. This has an automatic flush and a five year filter and should solve the daily hassle of flushing our sediment filter and changing two filters per week.

Owen gave LeAnn another decent night last night, although he was awake when I went in to seem him this morning.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Biltmore Village

I had to run out to the job site, and snapped a couple of quick pictures of the Biltmore Village project. They are moving right along. It is a pretty big building, but it is starting to fit in well.

Tuesday Morning

Owen gave us another good night last night. At least, that is what LeAnn said when I asked her this morning.

After we put Lily down and before we went to bed, I heard Lily talking in her room. I went to check on her and she was sitting behind her door with one of her little bears propped up in the corner, reading to it under her night light. She had also decided her flannel pajamas were too hot, and had one arm pulled up through the neck of her pajama top.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Weekend Number 3

Yesterday was a good day for us. Owen has been getting LeAnn up every 1 1/2 since Tuesday. As Monday was his due date, he woke up hungry and has been eating all week. Anyway, I kept the kids while LeAnn went to the grocery store in the morning. Our neighbors, Bobby and Lori Ann came by about 3:30 or so and gave us presents. They gave Lily a pink poodle named Fancy. Our friends Bill & Rhonda came by after that, and then Jon and Carrie came to see us after Bill and Rhonda. We ate supper around 7:30, watched a little bit of Polar Express and went to bed close 9. Owen slept from 10:00 to 1:00, and then from 1:00 to 4:00, so we had a good night last night. Lily is still in bed (8:40 AM.)

Lily remembered that she watched Polar Express with Grandma and Papa the first time. That was a year ago when she had a fever. Pretty good memory, when she wants too.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Already in trouble

I better put up a quick picture of number one kid for equal billing.

First Post

LeAnn and I decided to set up a blog, mainly for our family to use. We will keep this up to date with images/video.